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Helping You Down the Road to Great Credit

You are not the only one that needs to fix his or her credit. Your credit may be bad but you can follow these tips to make it better.

The first thing you need to do is request copies of your credit report. This service is available for a small fee on many websites. You should carefully inspect your credit report and then decide how to take action to repair it and to eliminate errors.

Ask your debtors if they have any type of payment plans available. You may be able to prevent the accrual of interest and late fees in this way. If a company is more lenient about late bills, focus on paying the bills issued by companies with less lenient policies.

Make a list of any negative information you find when you look at your credit report. Be sure to alert the credit bureau and the issuer of the report if you find an error. Prepare a written explanation for any accurately reported negative items. You can then request that these explanations appear on your credit report, so any future companies that review your report can take them into account when determining your credibility.

Be knowedgeable about your rights when dealing with collection agencies. Learn what the laws are regarding debt collection practices. A collection agency might try to intimidate you, but you cannot go to jail over debt. It is against the law to make such threats. Many states consider this to be verbal abuse and illegal. Make sure you know your rights, and the collection agencies won't be able to bully or manipulate you.

You want to keep your credit card debt at or below 30% of your total available credit. Keeping your balance below this keeps payments reasonable and helps your overall credit profile.

Some people try to ignore collection agencies, but it is better to try to work with them on payment options. Most creditors are willing to set up a payment plan with you to get the debt taken care of. This will also help you avoid further charges for not making payments.

To start repairing your credit score, use the tips you've learned in this article. These suggestions are a few easy ways to improve your credit in a short period of time.

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