all das pranie dywanów wrocław denken? Wer diese Karte into the water to geschickt? Wann? Und warum erst jetzt gekommen? Diese und viele weitere Fragen kreisten im Kopf jetzt. Für gute geweckt. Ich wusste, dass sie alle Antworten zu finden. Aussehen wird, zum sprzątanie mieszkań wrocław wrocław Tragen. Er hat, nach allem, und die Zeit und Geld, und der Rest kann poczekać.Sylwia in einer riesigen Villa lebt jetzt allein, verlassen ihre Eltern. Hat einen super Job in einer Werbeagentur und Büro im Zentrum von Warschau, und dafür mag eine Herausforderung und und watete bekam, schalten ihr Leben auf den Kopf. Er weiß, dass, aber ich glaube, sie braucht es. Die Arbeit kann warten zudem hat viele Freunde, die sie ersetzen wird.
We need rid of a finger at his son. - And that you do this.
Small tried to understand what he said his own father. She ordered him to kill. Take someone's life. Mordować.Dom Owenów was really beautiful. It was obvious glamor, wealth unnatural. It was aroused She's not too much that bothered, did not accept visitors, she, too, was not invited anywhere. No one knew about it. However, rumors were common among urban communities repeated. Steals, cheats, why has so much money. And as you know wealth is not protected from possible retribution if a man with Nathan Clark.
The night was very dark. Approaching storm. Emilia Owen tightly closed all the windows. Before going to bed yet checked doors and electronic devices. Everything seemed fine. She took the paper Clark calm. He had just seen a son who came out of the house Emilia Owen. Everything had to go according to plan. Getting the job done. Now, without any problems, turn the boy into an absolute killing machine. There are yet others. Better. They stand above the law. They can change the world according to their own views.
a cigar, introduced into this world, his world, he can not turn back. Must complete the work of salvation. The only problem was the boy's mother, the wife of Nathan. She could only make the boy questioned the ideals instilled by his father. You have to take care of her. But not now. to this tooMaybe they were forgotten long ago remorse? As for the latter, it seemed impossible. Nathan Clark has long since he had no remorse, if ever at all odczuwał.Usiądź they please. - He turned to me Mariusz, my boss and publisher. - I'd like to talk to you.
- Of course - tried to summon a smile on his face. I did not want to think about what this means to me, his face expressionless Mariusz nothing. Slowly I walked to my desk chief and took place in a comfy black armchair in front of him. - I beg your pardon. - I was hoping that my voice does not betray how much I am upset.
- Tell me, how do you work here? - Ton publisher remained neutral, and he sat sprawled in his chair and looked me straight in the eye.
- Thank you. I am very pleased with the work for you, and it seems to me that you know that. Nowhere I could count on better conditions and sympatyczniejszych colleagues. I am extremely grateful to you for the opportunity you gave me these four and a half years ago. And I still believe that it was a good decision. - The whole time staring at his hands folded in his lap. Now, I lifted my eyes trying to see what impressed by my words, but the expression boss has not changed. - I mean, I hope you have not changed your mind. - I added, not knowing what else to say.
- I you answer in continued. - How is writing a second novel? - She winced to hear the question, and he smiled as if my face was sufficient answer and continued. - I know we talked about this a few months ago and promised that the first will I know when the uprising outline. I also know that this writing, not a novel work on the improvement of others is your passion and you do not want to opt out of this if she was forced to give up. We, as we are determined to spend a publishing your book as soon as you decide.
- Since then, talks have not written a single word, so you do not what to talk about. - I interrupted him realizing that he was being rude. I did not see how it reacted because of the long time my gaze wandered the walls of the office. My eyes were through photos and For some disturbed me. And it is not because I have not tried to write. I tried more than ever before, but unlike the previous novels at these trials after a few pages I felt that this is not real, like the fact that it experienced recently made anything interesting that I can not empathize with the characters. I do not feel proximity and ties with those who create. - But I'm very grateful for the offer, certainly will not forget about it. I think for now we should think maybe the release of my stories from the blog, if of course it will satisfy you and can bring the company revenues. to the novel,say for sure just to you do not like it, but ... - fell silent again, and Mariusz advantage of this moment of hesitation to interject.
- Are you saying that you need a stimulus, a change of scene, some foothold. We talked about it and I know what I said. I continue to uphold. We can not afford to send you on such a long vacation, what would you need to start writing. You are too good and fast in what you're doing. But I have a suggestion.
I waited patiently for the continuation totally confused. I had no idea what this conversation. My boss drank coffee from a huge cup on his desk and continued.
- I think that's the best way possible. I hope I am not mistaken, and this proposal will give you what you need. I'm tired of looking like you tire yourself unable to write. I've thought about this a long time. - He looked me in the face trying to explore my reaction. Not knowing what he wanted, I tried to look interested and smiled encouragingly. - To begin with, what you may not like. You'd have to work for us, maybe not at the same pace as now, but still. Translation or proofreading regularly, every few weeks. Of course, this involves a time limit, say half a year. And one more thing ... - He paused as if he did not know how to formulate what he wanted to tell me.
Prolonged silence began to annoy me. I took a deep breath and spoke.
- You give me six months to write a book? I still would fulfill their duties so? I do not understand how you imagine it, but my guess is that my work does not take place in this office. Could you explain to me precisely what you're thinking?
- All right. At the writing of course you have an unlimited amount of time. These six months, I do not know what to call it. It would be a sort of delegation. I think that's the best word for it.
- You can not afford to send me to leave, and for the delegation already so?
- Actually, not really. And with this it involves the least enjoyable for you issue. Money. Believe me, not easy for me to say. I have already spoken with the board. And I have to admit that if they approved my plan. However, there are conditions. And limitations. This place may not be very exotic. We cover the costs of accommodation and flight. You write the book, for which, unfortunately, will not get a fee, only percentage of the sale. My guess is that you would like to go along with his assistants. Therefore, there is still one thing. Members of the board are to agree for these six months. I explain this by the fact that this money will be used to cover the cost of your stay.
For a few minutes I sat in silence. I had myself to think things through and sort out in my head. And of course I talk with my team. Mariusz was right. If it's related to professional matters without Adam and Tom I did not want to move anywhere. But they had to lose the most. I could do without the six-month salary; on the first book earned quite a sum that now, every month brought me more than I earned a publishing house. But the guys what else. I looked into the eyes of Marius and began to speak, slowly, choosing his words.
- I hope I do not have to make a decision now at this moment. You know me, so you know that no assistants, I'm not going anywhere. Therefore, I need to talk with Adam and Tom and get to know their opinion. If the case concerned only me I would agree right away.
- Of course I understand. Let's say that I expect a reply no later than Friday. I hope that enough time.
I looked on his desk calendar. We had Tuesday.
- Yes. I think that's enough. Sign me all the details I could pass it today guys. And on Friday, you know our decision. That's all?
- Yes. You can go back to their duties.
- Thank you. For everything. I'm waiting for information. - I got up from his chair and headed for the door. Yet I stopped in the doorway and smiled broadly. - You said I could choose a place like this? - He nodded. - Well, I know where I want to spend this half-year. Turkey. Marmaris. Sunmaris Hotel Bella Mare. I hope that it is within very exotic places. You could find out if it is at all possible to book a room for such a long time and if we can get a visa. I believe that you'll board of directors and officials. And I promise to write a good novel. And maybe even the series.
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at his father sitting inthere was a terrifying emptiness there. There was nothing. The child turned and came out of the room.
Nathan was alone. He was proud of his son, but he was even more pleased with himself. He did this, which has long dreamed of. His legacy is not wasted. It has a suitable successor. His son, Icarus Clark.
- Oh, Icarus Clark, do not even know how far along you'll go - he said to himself. - We will achieve this, as dreamed of all outstanding individuals in this world. We will become the life of every creature, we are going to give and receive. Control.
The man got up slowly from his chair and walked toward the window. From the sky were falling already fine drops of rain. He looked toward the house Owenów, which from the outside looked normal, like any other house. Inside, however, there was a death. Nathan picked up an ashtray and put out the cigar. That night he slept extremely quiet
However, not everything was okay, at least not that night. Before the house on the porch were draw undue
- Here's your key son, go inside for a few minutes and do what you must. - He stroked the little boy on the head. This was probably the first friendly gesture to the boy for a long time, because this looked with amazement at her father. - Remember how you succeed I will be very proud of you. The whole of society will be grateful.
The boy nodded and turned toward the door. He knew exactly what to do. He got specific orders and must be filled in. He can not condemn myself to spite his father's side.
The man stood up and went down the stairs. He walked toward the gate. Only once she turned and looked at the boy, who left at the door. Will cope, he thought proudly, in the end is my son. After a moment, he was not already Owenów household. The veranda has been only one uninvited guest. It was a small, frightened child who just przekręcało key in the lock.
Inside the house it was dark. The woman probably already asleep. The boy moved very quietly. There was one time a few years ago. Mrs. Owen was very nice to him, gave him a chocolate cake and a glass of juice. He does not even know why if he was here, he remembered only the smell of home. Flowers. Now it was the same. As if nothing had changed. He recognized the kitchen, through which you had to go to get to the hallway leading to the bedroom. Surely woman is there. It is night, and she has to sleep. He had no doubt where he finds it. What about the fact that once she was nice to him? He has his own mother, he must protect his father. It must also protect himself. Do the job. Kill.
After a while the child was already in front of the bedroom door. In this room he has never been, but I sensed that this must be the place. We could hear the steady breathing of a sleeping person. Slightly he opened the door and looked inside. It was dark, but I could see where there is a bed. At the same wall opposite the door. He walked unsteadily to the sleeping woman and reached into his pocket. He had the knife. After just one movement and it would moved, can not escape. Mixed thoughts in his head. The panic was visible on his baby face. Not understanding to the end of what he was doing, he came as close to the bed and sank the knife in his right hand in the heart of a woman. He made this procedure several times, while the woman tried to catch air into the lungs. The boy was covered in blood, his hands were maroon and clung to the air was foul odor. His face was splattered with red goo. Terrified stepped away from the woman and looked at the bed. He watched as escapes life with its first victim. It did not take long. Emilia Owen was dead.
hours. He could not move, nor utter a single word. He became paralyzed.
Suddenly, the hall could hear footsteps.
- Emilia? Everything okay? - She heard a woman's voice.
The child turned his head toward the open door. She stood in a tall, thin woman, whose face depicted the horror.
- What are you ... - tried something from each other wyksztusić - you ...
She looked at the bed where Emilia corpse lay in a pool of blood. Nearby stood a boy with a knife in his hand, dirty brown substance and staring at his victim. She did not know what to do. Run away or call the police? It's just a little boy.
The child's head also beat some thoughts with others. What is this woman? After all, there had to be only one person. What's happening? But she will call for help. The father will be disappointed, punish me and my mother. Despair flooded his mind. He started for the women, and the look on his face like a deceptively frantic smile on his face Nathan Clark. The boy woke up his long-awaited son.
No, this is excluded. After all, he would not. You will not be able to, he is too weak. you will condemn. For this he could not avoid.
- You lost voice fool? - The boy barely reached the man's voice - do not have something to think about. You have been chosen. You are better than others and they need to prove it. You get rid of lice, heal society.
The boy nodded in the act of consent. He had no other choice. He had to believe her father. Since his father called him better than others, so it had to be. He was always right. Always.